I read the first Persepolis book a week ago and was blown away by the way a graphic novel could depict so well the life of a young Iranian girl. In the second instalment we see Marji in Austria at first struggling to fit in with the lives of those around her, and then fitting in a little too well. She experiments with drugs and politics, and numerous other strange things (like trying to pee like a man!), eventually her life spins out of control and she returns to Iran where she again struggles to fit in, having lived with freedom for years the rules she has to follow seem even more constricting.
In my first review of Persepolis I gave it a rave review, see here, this follow up is good but I didn't feel that it held the power of the first. This was principally because it was dealing much more with Marji's life rather than the events in the country, but also because I found her teenage self so extreme.
This weeks Weekly Geeks asks other bloggers to ask us questions about the books we are reviewing this week. Here are the questions, and there answers in regard to this book:
Bookzombie: I have not read "Persepolis" but I have seen good reviews of it everywhere. My question for you is how would you convince someone to read this (using 25 words or less)?
Amazing. A must read for anyone who needs to be enlightened about life in Iran. The form makes it all the more powerful.
book chronicle: Perseoplis: I'm assuming you also read the first one and if so how does it compare? I have not read either though always mean to pick up the collection. Are you a long time fan of graphic novels or is this your first time with one? Either way, how do you feel Persepolis acts as an introduction to the graphic novel world?
As I have said above, I feel that the first one is far more powerful, perhaps because it is seen through the eyes of such a young girl. However I am glad I read the second so I was able to have a look a the way that her life turned out. I have read a few graphic novels now, the first Persepolis has so far been the best. I am enjoying this format despite thinking I wouldn't, I'll definately be searching out more in the library. I feel these books would be a great introduction to graphic novels as they didn't seem too comic book like and they dealt with the type of topic which I would read a novel about.
Graphic Novel Challenge: Book 3 of 3! Depite completing this challenge that I took on halfway through the year I plan on continuing to read graphic novels, I'm glad I participated in this challenge as it encouraged me to read a format I may never have picked up.
July Book Blowout: Book 8
Other Reviews:
Bethany's Review: The review which made me go out and buy the book!
Marg's Thoughts
If anyone has reviewed this or the first book please leave a link in the comments and I'll add a link to your review.
My review of this book is here.
These were among my first ever graphic novels and they were an excellent place to start.
Thanks for the great answer, I'm convinced that I must read it now :)
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