Saturday 18 April 2009

Dewey's 24 hour read-a-thon: 1am

Ok its 1am here and my eyes are slowly starting to drop. I reckon another hour and then I'm off to bed for a few hours kip - I have to teach Monday so can't sleep Sunday afternoon after the read-a-thon has finished as I won't sleep all night Sunday. Tired teachers = Bratty kids (they sniff it out just like dogs!)

For the last 2 hours I've been reading a proof copy of a novel out this month called An Elergy for Easterly by Petina Gappah - at least I thought it was going to be a novel but it is actually a short story collection. Each story is about someone from Zimbabwe, many stories are linked to the government, the price rises in food and everyday living, and also several about AIDS. Writing that makes the book sound depressing but it hasn't been so far. Its very well written and each story is its own - I find some short story collections the story blurs into one. I've read 170 pages so far but I'm going to leave the rest (105 pages) till the morning.

I have two picture books that are hopefully going to be perfect for my tired eyes

1 comment:

mee said...

I have taken my sleep at the beginning of the read-a-thon (since it started at 10pm for me). I think it's not a good idea too to skip sleep altogether. Have a nice break! :)