Tuesday, 8 September 2009

My Thoughts: The Migraine Hotel by Luke Kennard

The Twelve Steps Poetry programme started at just the right time for me, I had just been to see some brilliant live poetry all by poets who live in the local area. Luke Kennard was the headline act. When he was selling this poetry collection at the end I grabbed a copy had it signed and popped home. Now, if it hadn't been for the poetry challenge I probably would have popped this on the shelf and forgotten all about it. Instead I've read a few poems an evening and actually read a whole poetry collection - something which rarely happens.

Kennard's poetry is modern and witty, he mixes elements of real life with fictional characters, he plays with words and ideas composing random little thoughts to swim around your head or make you smile. My favourite poem in the collection has to be Wolf Nationalist, who is one part English one part Welsh, one part Scottish and one part Irish. He dedicates one day a week to each part of his geographical make-up, playing out all the old stereotypes. I couldn't find a copy of that online but found this poem from the collection to give you a little taste: And I Saw he is also here on you tube where you can see one of his poems but also his lovely Well-Bred English looks and voice.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

That poem is really interesting and wow he's dishy! I wish there were more live poetry round our way.