Thursday, 17 February 2011

Rules are just meant to be broken....

I leave for New York on Saturday, and as I'm in a different country I'm deviating from all my normal rules and breaking the tbr dare! (I can hear you all muttering in disgust! lol). I have a review book, plus a couple of novels which people think I should really read and have given me to read on the plane. I feel guilty not taking them, and even more guilty knowing that if I don't break the rules I will have to keep them waiting for their books back until I have read another 15 more.
However I will be returning and starting the dare again when I return to British soil, as I really do need to tackle to TBR shelves.
So what am I taking?
An Idiot Abroad, Karl Pilkington - I watched a couple of episodes of the show last year (this is actually my own book so I'm not breaking all the rules).
Room, Emma Donohue (my mum's donation)
One of the Charlaine Harris True Blood novels, I can't remember the title, a friend has given it to me and insisted I give it a go as he loves them, not normally my thing, but I should try.
Trash, Andy Mulligan - a review copy.
I also have The True Diary of a Part Time Indian and Speak on my iPod.

And I'm feeling like I should take something else, or maybe 2 more....I'm only gone for 6 days and am taking 43 15 year olds with me so I know that taking 4 books is ludicrous but I may get stuck with rubbish movies on the plane, a child may be sick and I may have to stay in the hotel with them, we may get stuck in an airport due to show, volcano ash or air strikes!!!1 Yes, ridiculous but I can't bare to be sat not reading thinkin of what I could read.


serendipity_viv said...

I hope you have a lovely time. I think you are really brave taking so many kids to New York!

katrina said...

it seemed a good idea a year ago when I applied to go on the trip. We all have matching red hats so everyone will see us coming!